Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Ok, so this is probably the last post between now and college. My next will be a quick recap of vaca with my fam, and then a short review of the first week at school. We leave August 10 to head down, stopping at grandparents' and an island of the coast Georgia along the way.

Please pray for me as I head off, for two things:

1) That I would have wisdom discerning truth. I think that going to a Christian school would be so easy for me to cop out on discernment. However, I think a lot of people will claim to be "Christian" and have very skewed ideas of theology. They will have a perfect argument, too, with a Biblical backup and everything. My prayer is that I would not be led astray from the truth of the Gospel, and that I would have discernment enough to distinguish God's Word from man's.

2) In light of number one, I would like prayer that I would not become arrogant about my knowledge of the Bible. I have been so blessed to grow up in a church that preaches the Gospel and that takes pains to make sure the Gospel is taught to everyone and through every ministry. However, my knowledge of God is so small compared with what's out there and especially in comparison with God's depth of character. Nonetheless, my knowledge is probably more than what a lot of the freshmen will have. I need to not be arrogant. I want to be continually humbling myself before God. I need to be reminded that I am a speck on a bigger speck that is in a small speck of God's huge and wonderful creation.

Thank you so much, and a special thanks to all of those in my church body. I would not be where I am if you all were not a part of the picture. It is because of my immediate church body that I came to faith, and it is because of that same body that I have grown in the way that I have. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you, God, for all the blessings you have showered down on me.


Elisabeth said...

quote of the night: (from Hannah's garden party)

"You know what the bad thing about darkness is?? You can sometimes pour water into your glass of lemonade."

Lea said...

hey elisabeth, nice post - you are leaving so soon! when you go, i know i'm next...i hope you have a fun vacation!

Linda said...

sniff.. sniff..
You will be missed my dear sister, but know that we are here praying for you. What more could we ask for but to be in the gentle, loving hands of our Gracious Father of Heaven.

PS.. I can't wait to read your college posts!

MM said...

Hey Elisabeth,
It was great to see you at the wedding right before you left. I hope the trip down has gone ok - we are anxious for your first college posting!!! Write up a quick one as soon as you can. :)
Love, MM