Sunday, September 24, 2006

Nothing Really New, But...

RockYou slideshow | View | Add Favorite> are some pictures...(sorry fam, I'm still having trouble sending...)

Monday, September 11, 2006


Something happened the yesterday that caused me to contemplate life and think about God. Actually, college has been great for that thought process, but this really brought it into the forefront of my mind.

I was walking up the hill from my dorm to meet someone and head for dinner. This car went by me slowly and I saw three little girls biking across the parking lot. I remember thinking, "I hope the driver is aware..." As I was walking and watching and thinking, I saw one girl ride right out in front of the car. The driver had plenty of time to stop and was going super slow, but just didn't see the girl, and he hit the tire of her bike. She of course fell right over. The driver got out (I think he was a basketball player) and some other basketball players ran over. I was trembling so hard, but I was also thinking that God definitely put me there for a reason. One of the guys picked the girl up and helped her walk over to the sidewalk (yes, she was ok), but then they were just all standing there without a clue. They didn't know what to do, and I certainly didn't know what to do, but God was with us. I helped the girl sit down and called her parents. At this time, a security guard had made her way over and was talking with the driver. The girl had hurt her knee and hip, and was crying. After the phone call, I was able to just sit with her and comfort her and her friends while we waited for the mom and while the security guard was working on some of the "legal" stuff. Fortunately, this story has a happy ending, but it was so scary.

Anyway, in light of this, I was really forced to think about how much I have to rely on God. I just don't get it half the time. God is in total control, and I have none. All of my plans are subject to God's approval and His perfect plan. This experience shook me up a little and made me think. Overall, though, God is so good, and I shouldn't have any hesitations in letting myself go in the perfectness of His plan. It is a freeing truth, but a hard one to learn.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Old Testament

I just have to say that I am fascinated by my Old Testament class. Although the professor (a pastor) is much better at preaching than at teaching, I am captivated by all he has to say...which is a lot. I just sit there for almost three hours totally engrossed in the topic. He often strays from what we are supposed to be covering, so we have to keep on top of the reading, but what he does cover is interesting and relevant.

We spent last class talking a lot about death. I think part of the reason I like this guy so much is because he is obviously a strong man of God who is concerned for the souls of his students. He labors over the Gospel and in presenting it to us. Because this class is required for graduation, there are a lot of people in it who would rather be anywhere else. However, he handles it well and it's great.

Anyway, as far as updates go, college is great, I'm still running, and things are starting to settle in! Thank you for your prayers.

'Til another day...