Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Youth Retreat, Part I: The Pictures


MM said...

Nice! These are super fun. Anxious to read the post now.....

Linda said...

Great Picture!!! How did you do the running slide show??

Elisabeth said...

go to and it's pretty much a step by step process that's really easy to follow. I thought it might be a good alternative than to have yards of screen devoted to however many pictures. Basically, if you have a lot of pictures, it's a good space-saver.

G. F. McDowell said...

EWW? The womens' showers were the Taj Mahal compared to the mens'. (College men cleaned them one morning.) One sink in each shower stall? You've got to be kidding me!!!

Elisabeth said...

I am truly sorry, but I'd have to add that the man's standard for cleanliness always seems to be much different from the woman's. (did you get a picture of the men's??)