Monday, October 02, 2006


Just a quick update for everyone...

Things are going great down here!! I love college and I am learning tons about both the various subjects and about myself. I've made a lot of good friends, too. It is so cool to be in a Christian environment and to have Christian teachers who put God first in their lives.

Prayer Requests:

1. Please pray that I would be a good steward of my body and of my time. I think that I am doing okay in both of those areas, but it would be so easy to make bad choices.
2. Also, my computer is sick right now and needs help. I think the problem will be solved very shortly, but it has definitely been a way to learn trust and patience.
3. Lastly, pray for me that I would become less prideful and more compassionate. I think that right now my compassion stems from pride. That's not right.

Thank you so much! I miss everyone and look forward to Christmas break.


Kirk said...

Hello! My name is Kirsten. My Mum is Karen from Sower's Corner. She sent me a link to your blog.

I understand about pride. It is even easier to fall into here at a secular college. One feels so much better than everyone else. It is good to have some Christian friends to encourage you. A couple of upperclassmen(women) took me under wing in a way.
Do a lot of the students at your college swear? 'Tis awful here, but as I expected it, it wasn't too surprising.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I miss you sooooooo much! lots of people at school have said they missed you. Email me! Luv you lots

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth I miss you so much!! I'm glad things are going well down there!! Things are going pretty well up here as well, cept that it's crazy cold. Luv ya babe!! Can't wait to see you C-mas break!

Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Hello! It is great to Christian college kids in the blog world. I can't seem to find any of them in the "real" world....:)

Linda said...

Hey E...
We've missed you! Hope you had a good short little break.

Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Not in the real world, huh? My midterms seem to be pulling me down to that level every second...:)

steveswife said...

Hey there, my sweet friend. We are doing well. Busy, but having so much fun with our kids and thankful for the Lord's six precious gifts to us. Today was a Nutcracker rehearsal--Rachel and Abigial are dancing a mouse and an angel respectively. We also took a recent trip to Plimoth Plantation which was fun. Home schooling at its best. I'm glad to hear you are well. It was fun to see Lea from a distance at church last Sunday--I thought of you and hope you had a nice break. We loved the photos of your dorm, room, etc. Good to give the kids a visual of where you are. Tonight Rebecca is coming to babysit and Steve and I are going out to dinner. Wa-hoo! Love you loads! Julie