I don't normally consider myself a feminist. No really, I don't. I fully understand that men and women have roles that have been given to us by God, and while He made men and women as equal, we are not made to act the same. Obviously women are the weaker sex, but we also have to bear children. Men are strong and should protect the weaker sex. Anyway, this is not a commentary on the nature of man. What I want to talk about is why women turned feministic and why I myself might actually be placed in that category. (Excuse me, now I am going to vent)
I watched My Fair Lady last night with a very good friend of mine. I love that movie and I love the music to it. Very catchy. However, if there is a man out there who can honestly watch that and say that he can see nothing wrong with the way Henry Higgins treats women, then let me know and I will give you a piece of my mind. Now, I wouldn't be so upset if that kind of behavior had stayed back in the time period it was prevelant in. You know, when men generally looked down on anything that wasn't the same gender as themselves...but it is necessary to point out that some men still live in that same mindset today. *Disclaimer: I said some, not all. This is not a sweeping generalization.* And in case you may think that I am making a random statement, I can name a few people I know who are very sexist and anti-women. I won't name them here, of course, but believe me. Any man who trods over a woman's feelings and thinks that all women will do exactly what he tells them to do is just wrong. There is nothing else to it.
I wish that I lived in the time when men would rise when a woman walked into the room. Or when a man would hold a door open for a woman. Or when a man would offer a seat to a seatless woman. I know that there are many men out there who act like that. I thank you. However, to the rest, please take note and start acting like men, not like stuck up people who want their way.
Thanks for allowing me to spill my thoughts, sorry if I offended anyone.
What do you think about Pickering in the movie My Fair Lady? I would agree with you that Professor Higgins acts like a spoiled child and that he doesn't quite understand women. But let's flip the coin for a second.. Do we treat men the way they ought to be treated? Do we (as women) understand men? I know I sure don't. I am begining to understand them more and more with a 29 year old & a 2 year old under the same roof.
This is a good topic to explore. Any other thoughts out there?
I want to note that Higgins does not change at the end of the movie. He makes no proposal of marriage, he merely wants Eliza to stay around. His attraction to her is sociopathic at best. I don't see why people think the film is so romantic.
n'enerve-toi pas.
BTW, I've linked to you.
True, I don't know too much about the opposite sex. I do agree, though, that women have pushed the feminist side a little to far. Guess I'll have to do a little research. : ) I don't know.
BTW...how do I link to other ppl?? why can I not figure out computers???
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