Sunday, January 29, 2006

My "Fair" Lady

First, let me say that the sermon today was amazing. No joking. You can click the CMC link and somehow download it, but it was really, really good. That combined with the music really brought all of the emotions and things that I have been dealing with to the front of my heart and spilled over, both in thankfulness and in seeking comfort in Christ.

Second, I think it is time to revisit the My Fair Lady theme. Just for the record, my previous post was not about the movie, per se, but rather the movie served as an excellent example for some points I wanted to make. Now it would be fun to analyze the movie a little bit.

I do wholeheartedly agree with GM about Higgins. There is absolutely no reform whatsoever by the end of the movie. In my mind, it is only slightly more hopeful than the end of Gone With the Wind. (A book which I would not recommend, because you will most likely grow to hate both Scarlett and Rhett because of their utter stubborness and selfishness. Obviously we all struggle with that, but not to that extent, at least not in Christ.) Higgins still has the same anti-women attitude at the end of the movie as he does in the beginning. He still thinks that they should all bend over backwards to please him. He can't even admit that he likes Eliza, only he's "grown accoustemed to her face."

About Pickering, I must say that I like him much better. He treats Eliza with some sense of chivalry and kindness, but he still doesn't stop Higgins or rebuke him when he wonders why Eliza ran off, and consequently, why women are not more like men. (hmmmm....) Neither of them seem to truly grasp the fact that women are human and have a great amount of feeling and tenderness.

Any other thoughts??

L, I know this is one of your favorite movies, so I don't mean to bash it in any way. I actually do enjoy it and I love the music. It is all done really well. It's also quite funny. It's just that the closing scene leaves me with the wish to punch Higgins.


Linda said...

This will show how shallow I really am.. but I like the movie because of Eliza's transformation... speech, dress, posture, and self control. Plus I really like the ball scene.. I had my hair done like hers in tha scene for my wedding. I loved it. I do agree both your thoughts on Higgins.. I think my previous questions were asked to provoke thought about how we are to respond no matter who/what we are responding too.
What I want to talk about is why women turned feministic and why I myself might actually be placed in that category. -Elisabeth

Let's try to look at 1 Peter 2:30 in light of Higgins dealings with Eliza.. or for that matter anyone treating us that way. What do you think?

Linda said...

oops I meant to say 1 Pet 2:20 and the your previous statement..

What should happen when you feel like you are being unfairly treated, or handled by another person.. especially a guy..(like Higgins w/ Eliza)?