Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Disaster in My Room

So, I'm sitting here in the middle of my floor, surveying the disaster around me. I'm not sure if it could be classified as tornado-style or hurricane-style, but it definitely needs some work. Seriously, my room is a total mess and I am trying to get it cleaned up. The thing is, I can't work well in a messy environment. For the past few weeks, I have been entering my room only to get what I need to work on out or to sleep. I have been doing my work in various places around the house, finding adequate surface area that I can't find on my desk anymore. It's driving me insane! I know this is stupid, but if you could pray first that I would be diligent about cleaning up my space and not letting it overwhelm me, and second that I would not be too obsessed about cleanliness, that would be wonderful. I'm going off to start that task now, because I actually have a couple of hours of free time!! This probably seems really silly to most of you right now, but it's been eating away at my sanity, and I felt moved to write about it before I begin the process.


Anonymous said...

I can totally understand and will pray for you (and will you pray for me as well?!). I am the same way and my house has looked this way for the last several years in general, but in particular the downstairs living areas the past two months (as we've prepared for the garage sale we finally had last weekend, but I haven't been around all week this week to clean it up!). I think a disordered house (or in your case room) can be a reflection of a disordered heart. It's not that God cares about how clean our house or room is, but he does care about our discipline,our diligence, whether we are focussed, our ability to prioritize, clarity of thinking, not being enamored w/stuff (sometimes too much is part of the "why" of clutter), stewardship (putting it away is often the large part of taking care of it), etc. My house reflects the sin(s) of my heart in distraction, neglect, failure to prioritize, organize, and work (I'm lazy - it's true), materialism, and many other areas. Anyway, I hope you got your room cleaned up and can enjoy it again. I tackled the two youngests' clothes in the dining room this evening . . . It's an improvement. Perhaps I'll be able to find them clean clothes for church tomorrow w/o spending an hour searching through laundry baskets! The DR table is next . . . --Mrs. T

Elisabeth said...

thanks for the kind words of wisdom! Your house did not look very bad when I was over there. I think that in many ways I'm just lazy and don't feel like putting in the extra work, but that lazy-ness is masked under multiple other attitudes that might otherwise be legit.