Saturday, June 03, 2006


Unlike my last Thursday-Friday-Saturday away from home, this weekend I had a blast. I went with my dad and three of my siblings to Neringa, a family camp in southern VT that is run by Lithuanian nuns (I think). Many families from church go there once a year to spend time worshipping the Lord and fellowshipping with other believers. The camp is set in a very beautiful, peaceful woods where it is easy to slip away to spend time alone with God, both in His Word and in prayer. It was really refreshing and I am so thankful that we were able to go.

This year's topic was "Mortification of Sin." It's kind of a scary topic, but an essential one. I was struck by the hugeness of the task of killing sin. We looked at a sermon by John Owens and just spent some time talking about having the power to kill sin in our lives because of Christ Jesus. I was convicted about my own lack of agression in going after sin and in failing to recognize it. I usually take a more passive approach. God will show me a sin, I will acknowledge it, and then I will let it go. I do not immediately go after it with my full armor on. My prayer is that God would give me the grace and humility to be a better mortifier of my soul. It's not easy, and I definately need to pray to be willing to pray that in the first place. Anyway, I came away recharged with a lot of food for my brain, to digest and use accordingly.

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