I think that I owe Linda an answer. Linda, sorry it took so long and thanks for being patient.
Here's the question/thought:
Linda's Comments
First, why did women turn feministic?? Why am I/we feministic??
Well, I think it is partly both the fault of male and female alike. When God first created male and female, there were distinct roles assigned. Those roles seem to be generally followed throughout the Old and New Testament. While women were not placed in positions that men should be in, like a pastoral role, they were given wonderful opportunities to step up and use their gifts to the glory of God. There are countless women in the Bible who do this. Some include Esther, Ruth and Naomi, Rahab, Mary, Elizabeth, Priscilla, Persis, etc. etc................... Those were off the top of my head. These women were truly submissive and Godly women who knew the definition of a woman. The problem is, today we don't even know the true definition of a woman. I don't know it. The lines between woman and man have become sadly muddled and foggy. It probably started when men abused their gift of manhood and used their strength, stature, social status, and privileges in a way they are not meant to be used. The women were not much better. They were not content with their position, strength, stature, etc., and wanted to change. The two situations combined to form the world that we currently inhabit. I don't really have any facts to back this up, this is just my conjecture. In my Opinion, neither sex was content with their role and each wanted more, especially the women.
In this sense I am a feminist. I am not always content with what God has blessed me with. Generally I love being a girl, but there are many instances when I have what could be called sinful thoughts in that area. However, God has really been working in my heart on contentment. I couldn't say for sure where I am right now. Part of the problem is that I'm not very clear on my view of the matter. Maybe I should think more carefully before I post any brazen ideas or thoughts. : )
Secondly, I Peter 2:20
"But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God."
Quite frankly, that is hard to figure into the whole argument. I struggle with that because it is so hard to do something good and then be punished for it, in whatever form the punishment comes in. I'm not very good at suffering, especially not when I have done something that I think ought to be commended here on earth. I guess this should reproach me for my unwillingness to let go of my pride and, to go back to the contentment theme, it should remind me that my reward is in Heaven and Jesus Christ, not here where everything under the sun will perish and pass away.
Does anyone have and thoughts or words of advice?? I feel like there is so much more to glean from this verse and so much more to learn about humility and perserverance.
Thanks Linda : )
I guess I usually go to this verse when I think things are unfair. Elizia was treated like dirt, definitely sub-Higgins and then the added issue of her not being "more like a man". My encouragement with this verse is that the KING, CREATOR, RULER, LIFE GIVER was mocked, reviled, hated, tortured and killed. In 1 Pet 2:23 ..while being reviled he did not revile in return. Even though He had every right to say something in return to those who were mocking Him, yet He uttered No Word! This is the ultimate case of unfairness!
See feminists are advocating something that is contrary to the bible.. a different plan than the one God created for us as women. (which isn't right!)
In Eliza's case I think she as a valid claim of "no fair" but in following the example of Christ, we should follow in His steps know that doind what is right is pleasing to our Father in Heaven.
I would say that you (& I) aren't a feminist but rather a daughter of Eve who is a sinner by nature but has been and is being transformed by the renewing of your mind (in Christ) so that you may prove what the will of God is: that which is good, acceptable and perfect.
We are the weaker sex. The Lord has put us in a submissive role in society and marriage, but it is to the Glory of God!
I hope this is more clear that before. What do you think?
Linda, I totally agree with you. I'm sorry if/that I didn't understand your point before. (Did my mom tell you about the flowers??) I don't have tension with being the weaker sex, or being in the submissive role. I think I see now the difference that you are talking about between feminism and women who follow God's role for women. I might still be missing your point.
God's will is good, acceptable and perfect. I'm still learning that and still unclasping my clasped hands, but I hope that God would give me the grace, through Christ, to become more forgiving and to turn the other cheek. Maybe we should talk sometime about this face to face-it might be an easier form of communication...
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