Saturday, April 15, 2006

Open Floor

I've been playing a game with me, myself and I. Actually, it's something that I talk about frequently with others (which is where most of the game comes from), but I just now made it into a game and was wondering if anyone wanted to join. Here's what it is: How is my mom's cancer good?

Yeah, that probably wasn't as exciting as you thought it might be, but for me, it's pretty cool to know that I have a caring God who does everything in my life for my own good. It follows, then, that my mom's trials are good. What doesn't always follow is my clarity of sight. I tend to look for good in bad situations generally, but then to actually believe that what is good is really good is a whole different matter. (I know that's confusing) Anyway, this is a fun game (when I'm in the right mood) and my prayer would be that I would really know that it is good, not just say it.

Here's one reason why it is good (My mom and I were talking about this one together): We have a situation in my extended family where one person has cancer. The whole situation is very difficult, particularly for the parents, and then for my parents who sort of know what they are going through. My mom was trying to encourage them to know that God has a reason for the cancer and to trust in God completely. My mom was relating some of her past experiences and letting them know that she was praying for them. She sent them some good material, some of which included John Piper's "Don't Waste Your Cancer." Just after my mom had done the bulk of this sharing, she found out about her cancer. Now she has the cool opportunity to practice what she was "preaching" and we're praying that God would use the words of my parents backed up by the actions to encourage and comfort and provide hope for them. My mom thought that God had given her more cancer to be able to reach out to these people better. Isn't that cool?

Maybe this is a bad game and that wasn't even interesting, but I will probably post more in the future. If anyone would like to share, please do.

And to close, HAPPY EASTER!!

"Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!
Sons of men and angels say: Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heav'ns, and earth reply, Alleluia!

Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia!
Following our exalted Head; Alleluia!
Made like Him, like Him we rise; Alleluia!
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. Alleluia!"


(Charles Wesley)


Linda said...

I have been thinking about your question ever since I read it a couple days ago. I came across a very cool quote

I guess my answer would be that it is good because He caused it and it causes us bear each others burdens in a real way.. and lift them to our Lord.

I wish we could break into song together.. Roman 11:3 "Oh the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God, how unsearchable are His judgements and unfathomable His ways."

Can't wait to hear stories about Mississippi. :-)

Elisabeth said...

I cannot thank both of you and all the others enough for the support, prayers, and insights that you have given me and my family. It certainly isn't easy to rejoice in suffering, and I'm sure that I am far from it myself. Mary-Margaret, thanks for the hymn. Linda, maybe we can get together sometime and sing the song! Thank you