Thursday, April 20, 2006

Trip to the South

Well, I will not be updating for the next week or so because I will be traveling down to Mississippi with my church. We are going to help the organization down there rebuild houses in Gulfport, Mississippi. I am really excited to be going!

Please pray for us (there are around 57 going) and pray that the journey would be safe. Pray that we would go forth with a heart ready and willing to work to the glory of God and not for our own pride. Pray for me as I am recovering from a nasty virus, probably brought on from recent travels and late nights trying to make up homework. Pray that God would give me and others strength. Thanks!

Also, I decided to go to Jackson, Mississippi for college next year!! To read the cool story, click here. The college is called Belhaven College. It's small, but the campus is somewhat sprawling.

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