Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Trips, etc.

First, a warm welcome and thankyou to all of my new readers. You've pushed me over the 200 hit mark!! (whoopdeedo)

Second, I am leaving on Saturday to go visit a college in Minnesota. Please pray that it would be fruitful and productive, and that I would never veer or stray from God's will. We also will get to visit John Piper's church, which I am so excited about! Although J. Piper is not currently there, I'm still thankful for this opportunity and for the fact that God has provided an amazing church where I might be going this fall.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another Great Sermon

Well, another Sunday has passed and with it another excellent sermon. ( I know that they are availible online, but I'm not sure how.)

Today's passage was on John 13.

The main point of the passage and of the sermon was this:

Love for the brethren is one of the key distinguishing marks of true faith.

Jesus gives us the greatest example by washing the disciples' feet. Wow.

I came away from the sermon pondering my own view of myself. Do I put myself above servanthood? How can I serve Christ's body more? It is so powerful to think of the church as Christ's body, as an aside.

Anyway, I think I put myself way too much before others, as is my sinful nature. My prayer is that I would be reducing in pride and increasing in Christ--including in His behaviors and spotlessness. I have a feeling that the upcoming Katrina trip will offer a gazillion opportunities to practice this love.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Shakespearian Inspiration

Ok, so this might seem corny, but for my poetry class I wrote a poem inspired by Shakespeare. In AP lit I just finished reading King Lear so the language is in my head. It came out in my poem. I laughed as I wrote this...maybe I just have an odd sense of humor, but I think it is funny. I'm not offended if you think it is just dumb.


Lush, verdant

The albatross became bodacious…

Oh beauteous verse to mine ear dost lend, but,

What purpose dost the albatross serve?

Does it represent a regal scoundrel, a prince amongst the gulls

Or perhaps just a glimpse of white amongst the green?

And how came it be bodacious?

Art thou bold, oh bird, to make thine artist describe thee as such?

Dost thou steal and pilfer, to earn ye such a name?

Thy mysterious ways have caused no little confusion to thine observers.

And what have ye to say to such accusations?

Louder, my bird, louder!

What?! Doest thou naught but squawk? Come bird, do thy kind better.

I knowest not how thou came to be called bodacious.

Thou, who canst neither speak nor be clever,

Thou who is but a dumb bird and used for naught.

Thee I do banish from this verse

Thee who only dost mars it and wrecks thy country’s beauty.

Farewell young bird, who canst do good, I leave thee forever by the sea.


Lush, verdant

The elephant…

Aie! When will the injustice given this poor pen end?

O.k., I'm due for an update, but the problem is that my mind is running dry of ideas.


Oh well, woe is me. (Just kidding!)

I just read one of the most amazingly bitter-sweet stories that I have seen in a long time. It was heart wrenching but Christ-centered. It left me in tears to see how powerful and full of love is Christ yet how He reveals it in different and sometimes sorrowful (to us) ways.

Read it here. (It is Erin's story.)

Saturday, March 18, 2006


I've been reading First and Second Kings lately, and have seen some very interesting points that are tossing around in my mind right now. I just wanted to spill them here.

After David became king, Israel and Judah split. Kings talks about the next forty kings of these two kingdoms. The interesting part is that out of these 40 kings, 30 of them were "evil in the eyes of the Lord." Only 8 of them did what was right and therefore honored the Lord. The other two were not given the evil or right stamp but their actions did not look too favorable.

WOW. Out of 40 Kings, only 8 were right.

Also, there was a distinct "very evil" king (Ahab) and a distinct "very right" king (Josiah).

And again, all of the "right" kings were of the kingdom of Judah, which is where Jesus descended from (right??).

I've been thinking about this a lot and trying to figure out how it fits with the rest of the Bible. It fits in an obvious way, but I'm wondering if I'm missing anything.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


We have been having really weird, unpredictable weather. Hmmm, that would make sense, since this is VT. Last week we had 18 inches of snow in one night and yesterday there was "torrential" rain storms and lots of fog. We lost all of our snow in less than a week!

Oh well.

On Sunday I attended a Cross Training meeting. The discussion varied, but we talked a lot about taking responsibility for our actions under the narrower topic of homosexuality. The Bible is very clear about how we have sinned and are responsible for it, but, praise God, it is also very clear about salvation and hope in Christ. Anyway, as an example of not taking responsibilty, the Stella Awards were mentioned. While these are funny to a certain extent, they are also kind of sad. I mean, when someone starts sueing magicians because he thinks he is "god" and his powers are being taken away, the matter becomes pretty grave. I am tempted to say "how stupid," but it makes me think about how I view responsibility in my life.

Do I take responsibility for the right things and the right reasons? Do I follow through with responsibility? Do I fully admit, in my heart, that my sins are my fault, not the fault of another? Do I take responsibility for my actions seriously?

While I haven't gone around sueing companies and such for very silly things, I know that I am guilty of blameshifting. Responsibility for my actions doesn't always come first. This provides food for thought, especially since most of my actions affect others and have the ability to cause others to stumble.

Friday, March 10, 2006

John 11

Lately our church has been studying John and most recently John 11. (The dead and resurrection of Lazarus.)

This passage is so encouraging to me because it shows how Jesus comes and meets us, we don't have to rise up to some unreachable level to meet Him. He responded to Martha and Mary in the way that each of them needed most. That's really cool.

This has never happened to me before...

O.K, so the other night, I was reading this book The Princess and the Goblins. It's kind of an odd book and I'm not sure I would recommend it, but I haven't finished it, so I can't give a yay or nay.


I had just gotten to the part where the young lad was in the mines at night and was trying to figure out what the goblins were after and why they were pursuing him more than usual. Then I went to sleep.

That night, I dreamed the whole rest of the story. No joke. I knew exactly what the goblins wanted, how they were going to get it, and every other detail. It was perfectly complex, and yet my mind made it all up. I have never read the book before. Now I only remember some of it, but it was intense. That has never happened to me before.

I know that sounds kind of dumb, but it was so vivid and so real and it made sense, which never happens. Amazing.

I'm sure you really wanted to know all of this.

Blogging is so much fun!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

One Other Thought

There but for the grace of God go I

I'm not sure of the orgin of this phrase, but isn't it powerful??

Political Comments

O.K., so I'm not much of a politician, but I do know that to compare our country's president to Adolf Hitler is not very respectful, nor is it nice.

There are a couple of things wrong with Jay Bennish's lecture. First there is the obvious violation of most school policies, which is for teachers to keep their personal views to themselves while trying to educate their students in a balanced manner. Bennish's lecture does not adequately present both sides of the political arguments about Iraq, Bush, and our world in general. True, he does give a disclaimer, but it doesn't do the trick.

Also, God has commanded us to be respectful to our governing authorities. Not to be repetitive, but the comparison is not meant to be respectful in any way. Bennish probably doesn't have a category for God, but it is a good reminder for those who claim to be Christians, such as myself, that we need to not bash our leaders because that would be bashing God.

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."
Romans 13:1-7

Monday, March 06, 2006


I'm not much at writing promos, but this project seems like it's worth the effort.

Regenerate Our Culture is a project and a vision of four christian teens from around the U.S. Their goal is to regenerate the secular-worldview culture we live in today and turn it back to the Christian-worldview society that our nation was founded upon. The three main areas they want to make changes in are: Politics, religion, and life in general.

To make this project into a reality, these teens are starting a web-magazine in nine days. The magazine will be published on the 1st and 15th of every month. Written by experienced Christian bloggers, this magazine will surely be an internet revolution and will spread throughout the world.

I am excited about this project because, as part of a Christian minority in Vermont, I will get to be in touch with other Christians nationwide and I get to be part of something that our world probably needs at this point.

If you would like to become a sponsor and join the team, click here.

Keep Regenerate Our Culture and the people involved in your prayers. It looks like an exciting yet daunting project. May Christ be glorified through it.

"For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in, malice and envy, hateful, hating one another.
But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared,
He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit."

Titus 3:3-5 (nasb)

I thank God that we have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Right now my ear is so plugged that I can't hear out of it. It's really weird. I had to stay home from church today because I am sick, but I wanted to blog a little.

So today is my parent's 23rd wedding anniversary. To celebrate, they decided to go away Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Good! I was so excited for them. However, there is a problem. Their personalities. Seriously! The book Type Talk makes it all clear. They are both "P's" which stands for "Perceivers." The P's are continually looking for new possiblities and are reluctant to nail anything down. That would be my parents. They didn't book any reservations until the day before they left! And they've been planning this for how long?? Come on. Also, I was kind of hoping they would go someplace "exotic," like, say, Stowe or something. That's what they were hoping for. However, again due to personality, they finally settled on the Inn at Essex, not even 5 miles away from the house. "Oh, we meant England..." Yeah, right. "O.K., mom and dad. We'll be sure to visit you each day to make sure you're doing alright and don't need anything." Honestly.

Oh well, I guess they enjoyed it, and we surprisingly didn't bump into each other around town. I'm happy for them, though as the only "J" in the family, I would have planned it out about a month ago.

We got to stay home with a nice young couple from church. It was lots of fun for us! Although, as the oldest of five, I discovered a little more about what it means to be a leader. Especially when everyone looks to me for the discisions and no one can agree and be happy with the same thing. It was interesting.

Anyway, I have to rest up. I'm not going to school tomorrow, but due to the silly strike, we do have makeup days both tomorrow and Tuesday. Blahhhhhh...

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Lately I have been reminded again and again that forgiveness is such a hard action to learn.

Colossians 3:13

"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."