Saturday, March 18, 2006


I've been reading First and Second Kings lately, and have seen some very interesting points that are tossing around in my mind right now. I just wanted to spill them here.

After David became king, Israel and Judah split. Kings talks about the next forty kings of these two kingdoms. The interesting part is that out of these 40 kings, 30 of them were "evil in the eyes of the Lord." Only 8 of them did what was right and therefore honored the Lord. The other two were not given the evil or right stamp but their actions did not look too favorable.

WOW. Out of 40 Kings, only 8 were right.

Also, there was a distinct "very evil" king (Ahab) and a distinct "very right" king (Josiah).

And again, all of the "right" kings were of the kingdom of Judah, which is where Jesus descended from (right??).

I've been thinking about this a lot and trying to figure out how it fits with the rest of the Bible. It fits in an obvious way, but I'm wondering if I'm missing anything.

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