Sunday, March 05, 2006


Right now my ear is so plugged that I can't hear out of it. It's really weird. I had to stay home from church today because I am sick, but I wanted to blog a little.

So today is my parent's 23rd wedding anniversary. To celebrate, they decided to go away Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Good! I was so excited for them. However, there is a problem. Their personalities. Seriously! The book Type Talk makes it all clear. They are both "P's" which stands for "Perceivers." The P's are continually looking for new possiblities and are reluctant to nail anything down. That would be my parents. They didn't book any reservations until the day before they left! And they've been planning this for how long?? Come on. Also, I was kind of hoping they would go someplace "exotic," like, say, Stowe or something. That's what they were hoping for. However, again due to personality, they finally settled on the Inn at Essex, not even 5 miles away from the house. "Oh, we meant England..." Yeah, right. "O.K., mom and dad. We'll be sure to visit you each day to make sure you're doing alright and don't need anything." Honestly.

Oh well, I guess they enjoyed it, and we surprisingly didn't bump into each other around town. I'm happy for them, though as the only "J" in the family, I would have planned it out about a month ago.

We got to stay home with a nice young couple from church. It was lots of fun for us! Although, as the oldest of five, I discovered a little more about what it means to be a leader. Especially when everyone looks to me for the discisions and no one can agree and be happy with the same thing. It was interesting.

Anyway, I have to rest up. I'm not going to school tomorrow, but due to the silly strike, we do have makeup days both tomorrow and Tuesday. Blahhhhhh...


Anonymous said...

Now, Elisabeth, really....we DID have a wonderful time, with no jet lag, traffic jams, hordes of tourists, crowded interstates, getting lost, etc, etc, etc...and we even had a snowstorm!

Maybe next time we really won't tell you where we're going!!

Thank you for helping out at home and enabling us to go - I love you!


Elisabeth said...

funny funny-I didn't think you could get jetlag by traveling to Stowe. (and there's not much traffic around here) Of course you had a nice time. I'm glad for you. I love you too.

Anonymous said...

wait until next year...we'll spend our anniversary in your dorm with you!

;-) Daddy

Elisabeth said...

ohhhhhh boy. I can't wait. at least you will be truly going away for your anniversary.